Developers Mountpark, in partnership with the landowners, are excited to bring forward Arterial Hub; a multi-million pound investment to the local economy, delivering a much-needed extension to the existing Purfleet Industrial Park and a bright future for Belhus Park. 

Computer generated image of Arterial Hub

Thank you for taking the time to visit our website which showcases the plans for an employment hub that we consulted on in November 2023.  The scheme is being brought forward by the landowners, in partnership with developer, Mountpark, and will represent a significant investment to the local economy, help meet local employment needs as well as delivering a sustainable sporting future for Belhus Park.

We have now submitted the plannning application to Thurrock Council.


The site is an underused and partially brownfield area of land located between the A13 to the east and Arterial Road to west in Purfleet. The site offers a well-placed and well-connected location for a new employment hub. It represents a sustainable and logical extension to the existing employment cluster, supporting new jobs and welcoming new business to the area.

The site benefits from connections by road, foot and bicycle to Purfleet, Aveley and the wider Thurrock area, providing opportunities for future employees access to the site via sustainable modes.  Strong and direct connections to the strategic road network will ensure that future traffic movements are not through local villages. More information can be found in the Considerations section. 

The image can be expanded by clicking on it. 


The ambition for the site is to deliver seven state-of-the-art flexible employment units, designed to the highest standards, putting particular emphasis on employee health & Wellbeing.

Our ambition is to deliver: 

  • Around 43,000m2 of flexible employment space.
  • Buildings designed and constructed to target a BREEAM rating of ‘Outstanding’ accreditation and minimised operational carbon emissions.
  • All units will be targeting an EPC rating of A+ with solar panels installed on the roofs.
  • Extensive landscaping around the site, with the retention of existing trees and hedgerows, as well as creating new environments to support local wildlife.
  • A thoughtful design, considering our neighbours and Fann’s Farm, with generous setback distances.
  • Potential improvements to the Public Rights of Way; cycle and pedestrian routes and public transport, to support the new and existing community and improve connectivity between Aveley and Purfleet.
  • New EV charging points as well as secure cycle storage, to help encourage future employees of the site to commute by sustainable means.
  • A focus on health and wellbeing, with a new community area with seating provided at the heart of the development including seating areas and exercise equipment for the enjoyment of employees and the local community.

Click on the glowing text boxes to find out more!


Seven state of the art units, of varying sizes, to create around 43,000m² of flexible employment space  


All units will be targeting an EPC rating of A+ with solar panels installed on the roofs.


Buildings designed and constructed to target a BREEAM rating of 'Outstanding' and minimised operational carbon emissions 


Extensive landscaping around the site, with the retention of existing trees and hedgerows, as well as creating new environments to support local wildlife. Find out more about our landscaping below!


A thoughtful design, considering our neighbours and Fann's Farm, with generous setback distances. 


Potential improvements to the Public Rights of Way; cycle and pedestrian routes and public transport, to support the new and existing community and improve connectivity between Aveley and Purfleet. 


New EV charging points as well as secure cycle storage, to help  encourage future employees of the site to commute by sustainable means.


A focus on health and wellbeing, with a new community area with seating provided at the heart of the development as well as exercise equipment for use by employees and the local community. 



We want our development to have a lasting, positive impact on the environment and the local community, and we are committed to ensuring our proposals consider both. Have a look below to see how Arterial Hub and Belhus Park will bring a number of positives to the local area: 



Gateway Park

New native hedgerow planting and retention of poplar trees to create a new feature gateway park, welcoming employees and visitors to the site with feature paths, new wetland habitats and outdoor gym equipment.

Wellbeing Garden

Tucked in at the heart of the hub, a new wellbeing garden will provide a peaceful, secluded space for employees to enjoy with woodland planting, lawn space and seating, and new wetland habitats.

Northern Corridor

A new northern landscaping corridor, creating a dense buffer for the neighbouring properties on Purfleet Road, with new paths creating walking and cycle access from the north.

New connections

The southern edge landscaping retained as a buffer, as well as exploring the potential for opening an old Public Right Of Way (PRoW).

Ecology features

Introduction of new wildlfower planting, scrub, woodland, insect hotels, bat boxes and reptile habitats.

New connections

New pedestrian and cycle access into the site to the north-west corner, entering through a landscaped space with new attenuation basins to help prevent flooding, and biodiversity benefits.

BUffer woodland

Retention of existing trees, and potential for additional planting to improve the visual and noise buffer between the site and neighbours.

BUffer woodland

Dense woodland planting, improving views for employees east to the A13, as well as contributing to ecological corridors including habitats for mammals and birds. 




The proposed scheme has been carefully considered with our neighbours in mind and it is our priority to listen to the neighbours throughout the development journey to ensure any impacts are minimised.

All of the units will be 12m in height, with Unit 3 only 10m to help reduce visibility from Arterial Road. There will be generous offset distances, with the existing high tree cover around the boundaries further enhanced. The sketch below showcases the proposed view from Arterial Road.

The units are set back from the site boundaries, clustered to the east to reduce visibility from the local roads. We will also be carrying out a full daylight, sunlight and overshadowing assessment.

In recognition of neighbouring Fanns Farm designation as a Grade II listed building, the buildings to the south of the development will sit a significant distance away, with the scheme supported by a heritage assessment. This assessment will review any potential impact the proposal has on the significance of the building. 

The project team are committed to supporting the neighbouring residents and welcome feedback throughout the development journey. 


Access to the site will be taken from the A1306 Arterial Road from a new signalised junction, incorporating the existing Arterial Road / New Tank Hill Road junction. Pedestrian and cycle access to the site will be incorporated as part of the vehicle access arrangement from Arterial Road.

The existing access to site from Purfleet Road will be re-purposed, preventing vehicles from entering, but creating a dedicated pedestrian and cycle access, making it easier for those travelling from Aveley.

The site is well located to access the Strategic Road Network (SRN), via the A13 Wennington Interchange to the north of the site. The proximity of the site to the SRN provides appropriate access for HGVs, ensuring that the amenity of the local road network is maintained.

The planning application will be supported by a Transport Assessment (TA), which is a technical document that assesses the likely transport impacts of the proposed development both in the immediate vicinity of the site and further afield on the road network.

The proposals will also be supported by a Travel Plan, which will seek to promote further opportunities for active and sustainable transport to the site.


A number of technical assessments will be completed and submitted alongside the planning application, which includes:

  • Noise Assessment: a full noise assessment will assess the impact of the new development and provide details of any mitigation measures where necessary.
  • Flood Risk Assessment & Drainage Strategy: the site is primarily in Flood Zone 1 (low risk of flooding), apart from a small area along the Arterial Road frontage, where no development is proposed. A comprehensive drainage strategy will set out how surface water and groundwater will be mitigated. 
  • Ecological Appraisal: this will set out the current ecological value of the site and how the biodiversity can be improved and enhanced.
  • Air Quality Assessment: this will review the air quality around the development using monitoring or modelling, and look at how air quality may be impacted during construction and once completed  
  • Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment: this will identify and assess the changes that the proposed development will make on the landscape
  • Archaeology Assessment: this will identify and assess archaeological value of the site.


Land North of Arterial Road was previously used by the London Fire Brigade as a private sports ground. In recognition of this history, we are working with Sport England and Thurrock Council to determine local sports needs and priorities.

It has long been recognised that there is a need for additional 3G artificial turf football pitch provision in the area, and that Belhus Park is a preferred location to create a Sports Hub. But the future of Belhus Park needs to be planned comprehensively and carefully to ensure it can meet existing and long-term future sporting needs.

Working in consultation with Sport England and Thurrock Council, we have appointed Centrix Consult and FMG Architects, experts in providing new sports hub facilities, to prepare a comprehensive masterplan for Belhus Park.

This will consider sports provision holistically, not just looking at 3G football pitch provision but also considering upgraded grass pitches, cricket pitch provision, new or extended pavilion provision and other sports such as netball and padel tennis. We are also considering opportunities to create trim trail paths and running routes as well as provide landscape and ecological enhancements.

The initial concept masterplan we show here will however evolve as we talk to further stakeholders, but we hope this gives you an initial idea of what we are trying to achieve at Belhus Park to meet the sports needs of current and future communities in the area.

Once the masterplan is finalised, it will provide a framework for the future of Belhus Park. The development at Arterial Road will enable the preparation of the masterplan as well as help to deliver it. The employment site is unlikely to enable the delivery of the whole of the masterplan, but we are looking at other funding sources to sit alongside the funding we can contribute and will provide further updates on this in due course.

The vision for Belhus Park will also consider the Park’s heritage and landscape assets and provide enhancements where possible.


Mountpark is committed to being a good neighbour to our local communities, which is why we want your input to help inform our proposals. Please complete the form below to share your views or get in touch with the project team by the methods below. 

We want our development to have a lasting, positive impact on the environment and the local community, and we are committed to ensure our proposals consider both.

The information you provide will only be used for the purpose of this scheme. The data will be held securely in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and General Data Protection Regulation. You can view our privacy policy by clicking here.


Our consultation has now closed, but you can still speak to a member of the project team by: 


Mountpark is a leading developer of high-quality logistics and industrial property, working with customers across the UK and Europe.

The team have a long track record with over 30 years’ experience delivering a range of distribution and logistics developments, including successful sites in Warrington and Southampton. 

We want to unlock opportunities across the public and private sector, and work in partnership with local organisations, technology providers and businesses to make this scheme a reality. If you are interested in partnering with Mountpark, please email us and a member of the team will be in touch.

The planning application for the proposals for Arterial Hub has now been submitted to Thurrock Council. 

You can find the details of the application by searching the reference 24/00332/FUL on the Council’s planning portal. 

The proposals which we consulted on in November 2023 can be found by closing this box.